HELOISE: Stay safe when driving, walking

Dear Readers: How long has it been since you took a safe-driving course? Most people take driving for granted. And driving at dusk can be especially dangerous for pedestrians, too.

Here are some hints for drivers:

Drive at a slower speed so you can see pedestrians.

Wash windows and mirrors so they are clean. And check that your wipers are working well, too.

Pedestrians may have earphones on with music that may keep them from hearing a vehicle.

If you are a pedestrian, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

Don’t walk on the street unless absolutely necessary, and then face the traffic as you walk.

Don’t cross the street between cars; use only the marked crosswalks.

If you walk at dusk or early daylight, use fluorescent tape on your clothing, and carry a flashlight. In other words, be safe!


Dear Heloise: Here is the way I keep my house picked up without a lot of extra work. Every time I leave a room, I look around to see if there is anything that I can take along to put in the room I am going to. For instance, if I am in the living room and am going to the bedroom, I pick up shoes, etc., that need to go in the bedroom closet. On the way back, I might take a cup from the bedside table that needs to go in the kitchen. It works for me, and my house is nearly always tidy.

Lisa R., via e-mail

Lisa, great clutter-busting ideas! And what’s the next step for keeping a clean house? Environmentally friendly, easy-to-make and inexpensive cleaning solutions. Companies make cleansers for almost every specific item in your home, but my cleaners do double and triple duty. I have compiled a pamphlet of my all-time favorite cleaning solutions. If you would like to receive one, simply send $5, along with a self-addressed, stamped (61 cents), business-size envelope, to: Heloise/Cleaning Solutions, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Make a paste of baking soda and water to gently scrub a stainless-steel sink.


Dear Heloise: Never wash your car again. Wipe it down with a damp towel. I do this in my garage when it is 10 degrees outside and snowing. This works for anything: the lawn tractor, furnace, old equipment, etc. It saves the planet. Wash the dirty towels using an earth-friendly detergent.

Gary in Branchburg, N.J.

Dear Heloise: I found an old child’s swing frame at Grandpa’s that was just rusting away. I dragged it home and put it over a homemade raised bed. It’s a fantastic way to hang plants, and I added wires to grow squash vines on.

Jeannette Carles, Houtzdale, Pa.

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