HELOISE: Special way to clean notebook

Dear Readers: The personal notebook (not laptop) computers are all the rage now and make it easy to read whatever you want almost anywhere. But how do you clean them? Not like a computer. Don’t use household cleaning products such as window cleaners, ammonia, alcohol, etc.

Instead, just wipe the screen with a slightly damp (water only) microfiber cloth. Make sure to turn the device off first and unplug the cables before cleaning.

What makes the screen so easy to clean? The computers have a coating on the screen that helps repel oils.


Dear Heloise: My wedding ring seemed to snag my sheets last week, and I decided to take it to a jeweler to make sure the prongs were not loose. I found out that of six prongs, two of them were missing, and one was turned to the side. I easily could have lost my diamond. Please remind your readers to check their rings occasionally to make sure they are not damaged.

A Reader in Texas

Dear Heloise: To help organize your tax receipts for the year, use a 12-month flip calendar. Turn the calendar upside down and put January’s receipts behind the January page, February’s receipts behind the February page, etc. This also helps if you need to find a receipt from the year and you know the approximate month of the transaction. Forget the shoe box; go for the calendar!

Vickie Greenway in Tupelo, Miss.

Dear Readers: We received a card from Peggy of Santa Maria, Calif., made from a beautiful greeting-card front. What makes it stand out? She punched a hole in the corner of the card and tied some small pieces of ribbon into a bow. It’s attractive, as well as a green hint!


Dear Heloise: I enjoy having French manicures and try to maintain them as long as possible. When I get a nick or a chip off the white tips, I touch them up with correction fluid, then give the nails a coat of clear top-coat nail polish. This resolution is invisible to see and extends the manicure as long as possible!

Jean Milici in Torrington, Conn.

Dear Heloise: I found a cheap way to use the foaming-soap hand pumps after you use the soap that comes in them. Replace with any of the soft soaps, not the foaming kind. It is the pump, not the soap, that makes the foam.

Diane in Seville, Ohio

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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