HELOISE: Notebooks keep soldier updated

Dear Heloise: My husband has just begun his second deployment. I was trying to think of a way for him to keep up on what our three kids are doing.

I bought a large three-ring binder and will put inside all the things the kids are doing or want to send him: report cards, rewards from school, birthday-party invitations, pictures they have drawn, special notes and letters, etc. When it is full, we’ll send it off to Daddy and start a new one.

It allows my husband a chance to “catch up” on their lives and ask more specific questions when he calls home. He can simply return the binder in the mail or keep it until he gets the next one.

To all those who support families with deployed spouses, thank you so much — your kindness makes the painful separation easier to bear!

Suzy in Colorado Springs, Colo.

A fabulous idea, and one that brings a smile! Thank you and everyone who steps up.


Dear Heloise: When my brother and I left for college, my mom made these three things for us, and they were extremely helpful.

First-aid kit: Bandages, pain relievers, over-the-counter medications, any prescription information, etc. Place all contents in a medium to large storage box (with a lid) that can slide under the bed.

Sewing kit: Include needles, needle threader, scissors, thread of several colors and sizes, and safety pins, all in a small storage container.

Small phone number and address book: Include relatives at home like parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., and friends away at college.

Nicole from Nebraska

Prescriptions may need to be refilled while away at college. Check to see if you need your doctor to fax the prescriptions to your new pharmacy.


Dear Heloise: I read your tips on cruising and wanted to share my favorite tip that I tell anyone going on a cruise: Take a night light. It is much easier than trying to leave the bathroom light on. Even if you have a window, the room is very dark at sea — no streetlights to shine in. Love your column and read it every day in the Charlotte Sun in Port Charlotte, Fla.

Cindy Seybert in Florida

Dear Heloise: I don’t know where I learned this one, but if I am going to cook on a campfire, I first smear liquid dish soap all around the outside of the pot before using it. It makes cleaning the soot off later a breeze. We lost power and cooked in our fireplace. It worked great for simple cleanup later.

Joan, via e-mail

Dear Readers: Next time you are moving, try this hint to organize your boxes: Write on the boxes that don’t need to be opened in a timely manner in black marker. On the boxes that need to be opened quickly, write on them with a red marker. It will be easy to tell what to open first.


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