HELOISE: Which goes first, soda or vinegar?

Dear Readers: For many years, we have printed the tried-and-true Heloise sink-freshening hint of using baking soda and white or apple-cider vinegar. This mixture will bubble, fizz and freshen the drain. It won’t, however, clear a clog from the drain.

I started wondering, baking soda or vinegar first? Is there a difference in the sequence? We tested baking soda, then vinegar; vinegar, then baking soda. The result? No difference.

An important point about this hint? Run lots of hot water down the drain after about five minutes, followed by a quick stream of cold water.

Allowing the mixture to soak for a long time or even overnight does not work better. Don’t overdo it on the baking soda — 1/2 cup is sufficient.

Baking soda is a real nose-to-the-grindstone worker around the home. It’s an inexpensive and Earth-friendly nonabrasive cleanser, revitalizer and kitchen revver-upper. I have compiled a pamphlet that gives many hints about its uses around the home. To receive one, send $5 and a business-size, stamped (61 cents), self-addressed envelope to: Heloise/ Baking Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. One-quarter teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar can stand in for baking powder when baking.


Dear Heloise: I love my nieces, and each time they visited, they brought me tons of pictures, finger paintings, etc. Quickly, my refrigerator was covered.

I wanted to save all of the art, so I scanned each piece into my computer, labeled each and let my budding Picassos title their work.

I hated to throw away the art, but it was getting to be too much. With the scans, the memories are preserved.

Sally, via e-mail

Dear Readers: Some home repairs can be a challenge, even the minor “do-it-yourself” ones — especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Hint? Try swapping repairs with friends or family! They help you with a certain task that they are good at, then you in turn help them with something you know how to do.

Most home-improvement stores have a wealth of information on a project you are attempting. Good luck!


Dear Heloise: I wanted to hang a calendar on the fridge and couldn’t figure out how to do it. Then I came up with the idea of gluing a magnet onto the back of a clothespin. I made about three, and they held the calendar in place with no problem. It was an easy fix.

Robin in Oklahoma

P.S.: You can buy magnets at any craft store, and in several shapes, too.

Dear Heloise: Keeping fingernails clean while gardening is a challenge. Gardeners can scrape their fingers over a soft bar of soap to get the soap under their fingernails. It is a snap to clean the hands and nails afterward.

Shirley in Arkansas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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