Don’t pull plug on new bulbs

Don’t pull plug on new bulbs

Kansas City Star: Four years ago President George W. Bush offered excellent reasons for endorsing the congressionally approved Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

“The legislation I’m about to sign should say to the American people that we can find common ground on critical issues,” the Republican president said that day. “New technologies will bring about a new era of energy.” Bush pointed out that the law would “improve energy efficiency in lighting and appliances,” all of which could save money for Americans and reduce harmful air pollution.

Those were all logical grounds to pass and sign the energy act in 2007 — and they remain compelling arguments for keeping it alive in 2011.

Yes, this is the law the American people have been hearing so much about lately, the one that many House Republicans and a few Democrats want to repeal for political reasons, whining that it takes away our rights to — essentially — buy inefficient, costly, old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs.

Although they don’t exactly say it that way. The annual savings with improved bulbs for the average household could hit $80 or more a year. Trying to kill a sensible, pro-consumer law is a waste of valuable time in Washington.