Trumbull agency farms out work

Trumbull agency farms out work

Recently the Senior Levy Committee of Trumbull County had bids presented to them for senior services. They awarded the home health and home maintenance services to a private company from Mahoning County along with a nonprofit from Mahoning County. Yes, our Trumbull County levy monies are going to Mahoning County providers who do not pay taxes in our county. Approximately 80 percent of funds earmarked for these services has been awarded to these two Mahoning County organizations.

As a result, another bidder known well to all of us, SCOPE, will probably need to lay off some their full- and part-time workers. Please note that SCOPE presented the lowest bids and, therefore, it is costing taxpayers more for these contracted services from Mahoning County. Apparently the senior services advisory committee members had received a few scheduling complaints (less than 1 percent) and based on that information they caused SCOPE, a Trumbull County organization, to lose $134,000 worth of fee-for-service work . SCOPE has a good reputation and has been serving older adults for many activities and services for almost 50 years in this county.

If you are concerned please contact the Trumbull County commissioners who appointed these board members.

Judy Waid, Warren