Calming effect

Houseplants clean the air while improving your mood

McClatchy Newspapers


Every January, Joan Coulat welcomes an indoor jungle to Capital Nursery.

Ferns, orchids, dracaenas — they pack the Sacramento, Calif., greenhouse, ready for new homes. It’s houseplant season.

“We just unpacked a whole truckload,” Coulat said of the tropical arrivals. “There’s always something different and exciting.”

When the weather turns cold and gray, gardeners’ interest often heads indoors. It’s no wonder sales of houseplants spike each winter as people find time to cozy up to their favorite greenery — and try to keep it alive till spring.

According to the National Gardening Association, more than one-third of American households grow indoor plants. Most businesses also include plants in their decor; besides creating a friendly ambience, the greenery is said to have a calming effect.

“People don’t realize how houseplants wake up a room,” Coulat said. “And we know now that they clean the air so much faster than anything.”

Recent research cites houseplants as efficient air purifiers. Like their outdoor counterparts, they change carbon dioxide into oxygen. But they also can pull toxic chemicals such as benzene and formaldehyde out of the air we breathe.

“All plants add oxygen and create a healthier indoor environment,” said Chris Raimondi of the Professional Landcare Network, or PLANET.

“In addition, some plants provide the added benefit of removing toxins from the air.”

While considering houseplants for future space bases, NASA found they can help cut down on airborne bacteria and mold spores by 50 percent to 60 percent.

In addition, houseplants emit water vapor like a living humidifier, helping the indoor air feel more comfortable. A Virginia Tech study credits houseplants with reducing indoor dust by 20 percent.

Well-known as Sacramento’s “Begonia Lady,” Coulat also has a soft spot for indoor plants.

“I collect them,” she said. “I’ve got at least 30 sansevierias. I love the aralias. I can’t resist the curly dracaena or the domino spathiphyllum. They’re all very pretty.”

New hybrids have broadened the world of indoor plants far beyond basic philodendrons and violets. And some need very little care to thrive.

“They’re selling very well,” Coulat added. “We had cut back with the economy in a slump, but people are buying houseplants. They make people feel better.”