HELOISE: Stoves no longer include broiler

Dear Heloise: Did you know that new ranges no longer include a broiler pan? My husband just bought me a new stainless-steel range with all the bells and whistles, but no broiler pan. When I called to tell the company it had forgotten to include the pan, I was informed that I could buy one. I checked all over town, and from what everyone told me, companies stopped including broiler pans a few years ago. So, if you use yours, hang on to it.

Louise in Dexter, N.M.

Wow! We checked, and how right you are! Who knew, especially if you haven’t bought a range in years? Apparently, the manufacturers stopped including the pans about two years ago. However, the broiler pans can be purchased for anywhere from $15 to $20. Keep this in mind when choosing your next range. Definitely hold on to your old pan if you’re getting a new range. Also, scour garage sales and thrift stores for extras.


Dear Heloise: Being a single mom in the Army, I use my slow cooker a lot! The other day, I put a piece of brisket on low before going to work. I thought I added enough liquid, but by the time I got home to check, there was a blackened, dried mess! Most of the meat was edible, but now I have a caked, baked blackness in my ceramic pot that even overnight soaking won’t budge. Do you have any suggestions?

Kelly, via e-mail

Kelly, a big hug for being a single mom and in the Army! Most manufacturers recommend washing with hot, soapy water. However, for burned or stubborn gunk that even baking soda used with a cloth or sponge doesn’t remove, try using a rubber spatula. For models with a removable insert, you can put it in your dishwasher. However, if soaking has not worked for you, try filling your slow cooker with water and a small amount of dish soap, plugging the cooker back in and heating on high for about 30 minutes. In the future, you may want to use a disposable, plastic liner in the slow-cooker insert (available in most stores) to make cleanup even easier! Hope this helps, and thank you for your service!


Dear Heloise: To keep your cupcake tin cleaner, lay out the liners on paper towels when spraying with cooking spray, then put them in the tins.

Rhonda, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: Every time I emptied a cereal box, the crumbs would go in the compost bin. Now, I strain the crumbs for larger pieces and then put them in an airtight container to use as crumbs in meatloaf, burgers and the like. Not only are these crumbs a fiber source, my family says my meatloaf is juicier and more tender.

Linda, via e-mail

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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