HELOISE: Hiding cords: What not to do

Dear Heloise: I am constantly peeved at appliance, lamp, vacuum-cleaner, etc., manufacturers because they mostly use black cords. Today, most of us live in light-painted homes. I am often faced with hiding cords under something: behind toasters, chairs and every now and then along the side and under the carpets, which I know is not safe.

Why don’t they realize the problem this causes?

Beverly in Kerrville, Texas

Beverly, I’m with you! What are they thinking? How many people have black walls? We checked with the experts for their suggestions.

The Do Nots:

Do Not hide a cord under carpet or a throw rug! Dangerous!

Do Not staple the cord to the wall! Dangerous!

Do Not wrap the cord with electrical tape! Extremely dangerous! We checked with our friends at Underwriters Laboratories, a leading trade association concerned with product safety. They said the consumer is taking a risk by wrapping the cord in electrical tape. Manipulating the cord by wrapping it with tape may increase the device’s temperature (UL specifically referred to space heaters, but other appliances are included). This can be extremely dangerous, and it can void any warranties on the product in the event of a fire or other loss.

Do Not paint the cord! Paint can flake off, it won’t adhere to the cord, and the paint may ignite if the cord is frayed or cut.

If you have one of the newer wall-mounted TVs, an electrician can install an outlet behind the TV to keep the cord out of sight.

Also, there are cord covers on the market that can safely hide a lot of cords, and these come in neutral shades.

So, even though we don’t like all of the Do Nots, please don’t try to disguise a black cord with tape, paint, staples or under a rug.

Readers, do you have hints to help with this situation? Let me know, and I’ll check them out and print the safe choices. Send to Heloise@Heloise.com, or write me at Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279.


Dear Heloise: It was going to freeze, and my husband could not find the pipe covers he’d recently bought. He improvised and used his golf-club driver covers to cover the pipes. They were a perfect fit! What a sacrifice! I think they will do great, and we don’t have to go out to buy new pipe covers. I thought this was a great helpful-husband hint!

Kim V., via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I broke a hurricane lamp when it hit the carpet, shattering into a million pieces. After picking up the large pieces and vacuuming, I was still seeing shiny shards. I didn’t have packing tape, but I found something better — the sticky lint roller in the closet. Very easy to use, and it picked up even the smallest slivers.

Laura G., via e-mail

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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