ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Break-in left her tense, paranoid

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar

Dear Annie: I’m 15. Two years ago, I arrived home from school to find a burglar in my room. My bedroom door was locked, and when I got near it, the thief burst through the door. He grabbed my throat, squeezing it tight, and then went out the window. I called 911 and waited inside a closet for help. I made out a report and told my parents.

They never found the guy, and ever since, I have become extremely paranoid when left home alone, even if it’s for only an hour. In the past few months, it has gotten worse. I keep thinking there’s someone trying to get in, or I hear imaginary footsteps. Until my parents come home, I keep a kitchen knife by my side. A secondary problem is that when I think someone is going to touch my back or neck, I tense up.

I don’t want therapy, because my parents can’t afford it. How can I get over my phobia?

Paranoid in Southern Calif.

Dear Paranoid: Your parents should know how you feel because they will want to help. But if you are reluctant to speak to them, talk to your school counselor or nurse. It sounds as if you are suffering from post-traumatic stress, and some short-term therapy could be helpful in working through your fears.

Dear Annie: My boyfriend was divorced a couple of months ago. He and his ex-wife have six children together. She is very bitter about the divorce and dislikes me intensely.

The ex’s mother passed away last week. My boyfriend attended the wake and funeral. The problem is, he felt I should have gone with him to be supportive. I say that because this woman dislikes me so much — and has for 30 years — it was better that I did not attend and make a bad situation worse. What do you say?

Sure I Did the Right Thing

Dear Sure: You behaved correctly. This was not about your boyfriend. It was about his ex-wife. Your boyfriend was there to pay his personal respects and support his children.

Dear Annie: I would like to reply to “Pleading for a Little Privacy,” who works nights and sleeps days and can’t get people to leave her alone.

My wife and I work opposite shifts so one of us can be home with our sons. I used to have a problem with my father-in-law, who would come over and ring the doorbell or call me about things that could have waited.

I had a simple solution for this. Whenever he would wake me up during the day, I’d call him at the corresponding time late at night and do the same to him. After my third call, he got the hint. If he needs something, he will call my wife. This has worked pretty well, and I get a lot more sleep.

Andrew from Illinois

Dear Andrew: You’ve solved one problem, but we hope you haven’t created a second one with an alienated father-in-law.

E-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

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