HELOISE: To start new year, donate to needy

Dear Readers: How about starting this new year by cleaning out some closets and drawers? Gather up all the unused toiletries you have collected (hotel and gift samples). You can make baskets with unopened personal-care products, along with anything else that someone could use. Many of us have stockpiles of health and beauty products. Pass these on to folks in residential facilities, people in shelters, women’s shelters — the list goes on and on. Put items in baskets, reusable shopping bags or any container.

This is a great project for Scout groups, youth groups or school classes. Please be sure to check with an organization to see what it accepts.


Dear Readers: The plastic “gumball” container that holds knee-high stockings can be reused:

Store earrings for travel.

Keep a tissue separate and sanitary.

Hold screws and nuts.

Put spare change in the car in one.

Use to keep latex gloves in the car for emergencies.


Dear Heloise: I put a paper (not plastic) plate under containers that I put in the microwave. This works especially well with frozen potpies. When done, I can lift out the paper plate, which will not get hot in the microwave.

I so enjoy your column. Several years ago, you spoke to the Alamo Heights Retired Teachers Association, and I got to sit at the table with you!

Joanne Matthews, San Antonio

Joanne, I got to sit at the table with you! I had fun sharing stories of my days student teaching. One class was typing, but who knew back then how valuable that skill would turn out to be today?


Dear Heloise: I enjoy your column and have a neat hint: Buy a small, square box of facial tissues and put it on the counter under the paper-towel rack. Just grab a tissue instead of a paper towel for a little drip. So handy!

Katherine in Pine Bluff, Ark.


Dear Heloise: I would like to comment on a driving pet peeve of mine. If you are attempting to get into traffic and a driver stops and allows you to pull out in front, please remember to show some form of appreciation (e.g., wave, head nod, horn tap). Don’t just pull out and feel like you are entitled to this kindness!

Lisa in Hubbard, Ohio

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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