HELOISE: Your dog look like Cabbie? Show us!

Dear Readers: Some say most minischnauzers look alike, but do they? Our Cabernet (Cabbie for short) is a silver-haired sweetheart with big, brown eyes. If you have a dog that looks like Cabbie, send in a photo, and we will pick a handful to post on my website. So, take a look at www.Heloise.com to see several photos of she who runs the household! Each person whose pet photo is posted will receive a special thank-you from Cabbie and Heloise Central. Please send a good-quality photo to: Heloise/Cabbie, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279, or e-mail Heloise@Heloise.com, and put in the subject line “Cabbie.”


Dear Readers: Laurel Cameron in Rindge, N.H., sent a picture of her black-and-brown short-haired cat, Suki, sitting on top of the fish tank. This is her favorite place to sit, much to the dismay of the goldfish in the tank, which is looking quite nervous! To see Suki, go to www.Heloise.com and click on “Pets.”


Dear Heloise: My friend says that he feeds his hamster dry dog biscuits. Is this OK? I’ve heard of giving hamsters treats, but I’ve always bought them at the pet store, and I have never given mine a dog biscuit!

Harry in New Hampshire

Harry, your hamster can chew on a dry dog biscuit occasionally. It’s best to give hamsters a small piece of one every day or so, along with their regular hamster food. Did you know that a piece of apple is another good treat?


Dear Heloise: Rather than destroy old toothbrushes, pet owners should save them for use as facial brushes for their dogs and cats. The toothbrushes are the right size to brush around the eyes, snout and ears without being frightening to the animal. My wife and I have been giving kitty facials for years, and all our little felines love them.

Russ Vaughn, Ruidoso, N.M.

Dear Heloise: One day, as I was walking out back while it was raining, I saw my cat, Kringles, sitting under an old pickup-truck bed cap of my brother’s. She was dry and could still see outside. Since one of the side windows was broken out (which was why my brother wasn’t using it), I carefully removed the rest of the glass, scattered straw under the cap, and now all my cats love it!

There’s plenty of room for them and their dishes, they are out of the wind, rain and cold, and it holds heat from the sun really well. In the summer, I open the “tailgate” window to let air in.

Tessa in Empire, Ohio

Dear Heloise: I adopted my fourth animal from the city pound. To make sure that none of my other animals feels jealous, I spend a little time with each one separately. They feel loved and comfortable with the new addition.

Elizabeth in Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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