HELOISE: Towel trouble has them baffled

Dear Heloise: For years, our family has ruined towels in the washer. They come out with spots, as if we spilled bleach on them. I wash in cold water, add detergent and include no fabric softener and no dryer sheets. I use a liquid detergent at all times. We cannot figure out what happens, but once again, a new set of towels has been ruined. I’ve given up and purchased 100 percent cotton, bleach-friendly white towels. When I mention this to friends and family, no one else seems to have this problem. Can you help?

Vickie C., via e-mail

Well, you seem to be doing everything right. So, one guess is that it may be a whitening toothpaste, mouthwash or topical acne medication (containing benzoyl peroxide). When accidentally wiped on towels, these can cause the spots that you describe. Be sure hands are washed well, not just a rinse and wipe.


Dear Heloise: I always read your column, and in The Bakersfield Californian were hints on how to clean stainless steel. I have a stainless-steel sink and always hated it because it was so hard to clean.

However, my dishwasher installer told me that if I sprayed it with a furniture polish designed to fight dust, it would not streak, it would remove spots, and water would bead off. The polish coats the surface, and it takes only a damp cloth to remove spots, stains and smears.

When it stops working, simply re-spray it with the furniture polish, and you are good to go for several months.

Marilyn in Bakersfield, Calif.

Dear Heloise: We always have a real Christmas tree, and removing the decorations before disposing of the tree often causes scrapes and cuts because the tree becomes brittle by the end of the season. Last year, I wore rubber gloves while removing the ornaments and lights, and it was a double reward. Not only did it keep my hands free of nicks and cuts, but the gloves also allowed me to safely grip the ornaments while removing them. I just wish I would have figured this out years ago.

Debbie Engel, Sugar Land, Texas

Dear Heloise: I found a great use for those new dryer fabric-softener bars. Place an old one in the bottom of your trash can. It will stick to the bottom, give a great scent for several months and eliminate odors that cause your trash can to stink.

A Reader, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I just bought a new car that has black carpet that always seems to have dirt or lint on it. I keep a lint roller in the car, and now I use it to clean the carpet. It’s really quick and works great! Everyone who has seen me use it puts one in his or her car, too.

Don in San Antonio

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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