Spicy supplement solves pain problem

Q. I am a 50-year-old police officer (and alternative-medicine skeptic) with severe osteoarthritis in my shoulder and neck joints from work-related injuries. I had shoulder surgery 10 weeks ago, and I was still struggling with the pain until recently.

Two years of NSAIDs and other pain relievers have not helped, but I started taking curcumin capsules three days ago. I am now 50 percent pain-free, with a much-improved range of motion. Most unbelievable, I can sleep without discomfort. I have not experienced any side effects. Why isn’t this remedy better known in Australia where I live?

A. Curcumin is the active component in turmeric, the yellow spice in curry powder. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is being tested against cancer as well as joint pain and psoriasis (Molecules, June 3, 2011; Journal of Family Practice, March 2011). Many health professionals are not familiar with its healing properties, except in India.

Your success with the capsules is encouraging. Some people might prefer to incorporate turmeric into their daily meals, as people in India do.

Q. I have never been a coffee drinker. I don’t enjoy its taste (though I realize that’s heresy to millions), and I can’t handle the caffeine because of an irregular heartbeat. But I’ve heard that coffee contains many antioxidants and other beneficial chemicals.

Does anyone make a “coffee extract pill” that contains all the good ingredients while eliminating the caffeine? That way I could get coffee’s benefits without actually having to drink it.

A. There are several decaffeinated coffee extracts on the market intended for use primarily in cooking and baking. Some are used as concentrates for preparing coffee. None is exactly what you are seeking.

Although coffee provides lots of antioxidants in the American diet, that is partly because so many people drink it. You can get natural antioxidants from fruits and vegetables that you like. The darker the color, the richer the plant usually is in these compounds.

Some of the best sources include blackberries, blueberries, chocolate, green tea, beans, cherries, grapefruit, onions, apples and kale. A review of the research concluded that it is better to get antioxidants from the diet than from pills (Advances in Nutrition, January 2011).

Q. Despite Lipitor, diet and exercise, I have been fighting genetic cholesterol numbers for many years, often higher than 200. I started eating an avocado every week, and my cholesterol dropped from 203 in August to 183 at this week’s blood test. Although the LDL continues to be just slightly above normal, the triglycerides and HDL numbers have gone from excellent to numbers my doctor says “other patients would kill for.”

A. Because avocados are high in fat, nutrition experts used to warn against eating them. The fear was that fat would raise blood cholesterol. The fat in avocados is mostly monounsaturated, which means it is healthier than previously believed. Animal research suggests that avocado consumption can reduce triglycerides and raise good HDL cholesterol (Archivos de Cardiologia de Mexico, January-March 2007).

2011 King Features Syndicate Inc.