

Neither vulnerable. North deals.


xA 10 9 8 6

uQ 7 6

vA Q 10 6 5



xQ xK 5 3

uA u9 8 3 2

v8 3 2 vJ 9 7

wK J 10 9 8 6 5 3 w7 4 2


xJ 7 4 2

uK J 10 5 4

vK 4

wA Q

The bidding:


1x Pass 2u 5w

5u Pass 6u Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Queen of x

You are playing in an interclub KO Teams event and with only a few boards to play, you are trailing by quite a bit. A wild auction lands you in a heart slam and your LHO leads the queen of spades. Do you have any play?

Yes. First, the opponent who has the ace of trumps must have started with no more than one spade. Secondly, the diamonds must break favorably — you will need the suit to split 3-3. Lastly, play well!

Win the ace of spades and avoid the natural-looking play of a low heart — the 4-1 trump split will be one more than you can handle because of shortage of entries to hand. You must lead the queen of trumps! West wins the ace and supposes he shifts to a diamond. Win with the king, ruff the queen of clubs in dummy, draw trumps and run the diamonds, discarding three spades. Six hearts bid and superbly played!

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