Sandra Hite | David Anderson
Residing in Boardman after a honeymoon in Oahu and Maui, Hawaii, are David L. Anderson and the former Sandra S. Hite, who were married June 25 at First Covenant Church by the Rev. Thomas Sharkey.
A reception followed at Johnny’s Banquet Center in Boardman.
Both the bride’s parents and the groom’s parents are deceased.
The bride wore a champagne gown featuring a ruched bodice, floral motif and antique rose beading. Her honor attendant was her daughter, Teva M. Hite, who wore an antique rose dress.
The groom’s best man was his son, Jeffrey D. Anderson, and ushers were David Bundschu and Brandon Raab.
The bride is a self-employed artist after earning a bachelor’s degree from Columbus College of Art and Design.
The groom, who is retired, holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Bowling Green State University. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army, in which he served as a first lieutenant.