HELOISE: Go bananas! Here’s how to store and use a bunch

Dear Readers: What’s not to love about bananas? A single? A bunch? In a smoothie, or in bread? How often do you buy bananas? Once a week? Bananas that are extremely ripe (freckled) are sweeter than bananas that have slightly green peels, so pick accordingly.

Storing bananas on a banana hanger/hook keeps them from getting bruises. Green bananas can be ripened by placing them in a paper bag. To ripen quickly, add an apple or tomato to the bag, which helps the ripening process.

Once the bananas are as ripe as you’d like, you can place them in the fridge for up to two weeks. The skin will darken, but the inside will be firm and tasty. Also, peel them, place in a plastic freezer bag or container, and use later for breads, muffins, other baked goods and yummy smoothies.

What’s your favorite way to buy, store and use bananas that are too ripe? Send your favorite hints, and we will send a Heloise pamphlet to everyone whose hint is selected. Send your banana hints to: Heloise/Bananas, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000.


Dear Heloise: For several years, I would buy fresh peanut butter from the health-food store, straight from the grinding machine.

I decided to make my own. I bought a can of nuts and put it in my food processor. I added a little olive oil and refrigerated it. I also can use any other type of nut. It’s delicious, free of preservatives and sugar, and easy to do.

Terry in Maui, Hawaii

Aloha to my friends in Hawaii, my “second” home state!


Dear Heloise: The letter regarding using cupcakes to spell out a child’s birthday greeting mentioned the mess cupcake icing can make. All the children who have passed through my classroom through the years were taught how to make a “cupcake sandwich.”

You just peel off the wrapper, hold the rim of the cupcake crown and give the bottom a firm twist or wiggle. It will pop right off, and then you put that piece of cake over the icing to form a sandwich. Much easier to hold than a regular cupcake, and no more icing all over your nose!

Margaret in Maryland

Dear Heloise: I keep a small plastic tub with a lid for collecting the crumbs at the bottom of cracker, chip and bread bags for meatloaf filler and meatballs. Just remember that most will include salt, so go easy when seasoning.

Gayle from North Carolina

Here’s another meatball hint from Celinda, who sent it via email: “I am a working mom and wanted to share my meatloaf secret. I cut leftover meatloaf into large chunks and toss them in spaghetti sauce for quick ‘meatballs.’ I enjoy your column and am a fellow Texan.”

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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