SENIOR CITIZENS | Meetings, activities announced

Commercial Intertech Retirees will meet at noon Tuesday at St. Mark’s Church fellowship hall on Logan Way with Lou Pizzuto presiding. Reports will be given by Gloria Wielbruda and Roberta Shick, and luncheon hostesses will be Stella Tsvet- anoff and Carmela Felde. The cost for lunch is $2. All Commercial Intertech and Parker-Hannfin retirees are invited to the monthly meetings. Illnesses should be reported to Connie DiPiero at 330-788-2340.

Erie-Mahoning Valley Railroad Association will meet at noon Tuesday at Davidson’s Restaurant, 3636 Canfield Road, Cornersburg. Reports will be given, and birthdays will be recognized. All railroad retirees and their spouses are welcome.

Liberty Friends will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Liberty Presbyterian Church for fellowship and games. Take a sack lunch; coffee will be provided. All are welcome.

Martha Lupse 50-Plus Card and Game Club will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 106 at Poland United Methodist Church. Bridge, 500, chess and checkers will be played, and Marilyn Boggs will give the devotions. There will be a pizza party at noon. No affiliation with the church is required for participation. For information call 330-549-0183.

Packard Electric and Delphi Packard 717 Retirees will meet at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Local 717 Union Hall in Warren Commerce Park, 2950 Sferra Ave., Warren. Members are asked to take a labeled covered dish and table service. This month’s speaker will be Lisa Solley from the Area Agency on Aging.

Park Vista’s Breakfast Club will meet at 9:30 a.m. May 12 for an informative lecture. Dr. Ted Suzelis, N.D. (naturopathic doctor) will speak about take a common sense approach to health. He will provide 10 helpful steps to improve or regain your health. Join in for a free continental breakfast and an informative program in Park Vista’s gathering room, 1216, Fifth Ave., Youngstown. Register by May 4 to 330-746-2944, ext. 1552.

Retired Nurses will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Western Reserve United Methodist Church, 4580 Canfield Road, Canfield. Guest speaker will be Justin Coulter, a police K9 officer. All retired nurses are welcome.

Sts. Peter and Paul Seniors will meet at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Ukrainian Center. Ann Smith will preside, and Pat Hoffman and Laura Dulay will give reports. Lunch will be served. New members are welcome.

Third Baptist Keenagers will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the church. On the agenda: completing plans for a luncheon and show at Das Dutch Haus, Columbiana; a trip to Hartville in July; and a shopping trip in August. All are asked to attend this important meeting to help complete the plans.

Upcoming activities for senior citizens organizations are published Sunday. Please submit information to the Society Department by 5 p.m. Wednesday.