Recycle electronics 10 years old or less Friday

Sharon, Pa.

Unwanted personal computers and cellphones can be safely recycled at E-Cycling Day from noon to 4 p.m. Friday at Penn State-Shenango campus.

The free service is sponsored by Penn State-Shenango’s Information Sciences and Technology department, Starkey’s Computer and Electronics and the Technology Council of Northwest Pennsylvania. It will be in the parking lot on the corner of Silver Street and Penn Avenue, next to Penn State’s Sharon Hall building.

Only computers and cellular phones that are less than 10 years old will be accepted, including servers, laptops, components such as keyboards, mice, cables and flat-screen monitors, and cell phones. Old-style cathode ray tube computer monitors will be accepted for a $25 fee.

Penn State Shenango students will restore all salvageable equipment and give it to the Prince of Peace Center in Farrell, which will distribute the items to its clients.