ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Bigotry at work upsets family
By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar
Dear Annie: My 29-year-old daughter works at a large multinational corporation. On numerous occasions and in different divisions of the corporation, she has heard anti-Jewish comments. In fact, at one event, she was so upset by what was being said at a group dinner that she had to leave the table for fear she would cry.
For whatever reason, she chooses to remain silent when these remarks are made. We are Jewish, and her grandparents were Holocaust survivors. I have told her she needs to speak up, but she doesn’t want to make waves.
It pains me to know my daughter is working in an environment where the employees have no qualms about displaying their bigotry, and that anti-Semitism is alive and well in the USA. I am also upset that she lets these opinions go without challenging them or, at a minimum, telling the bigot that she is Jewish and such statements are inappropriate.
Any suggestions as to what I could say to my daughter to convince her that it is her duty to confront the bigotry head on?
Dismayed in the Boston Area
Dear Boston: While we understand your daughter’s reluctance, it is incumbent upon everyone to speak up when they witness bigotry of any kind. We contacted David Kurzmann, assistant director of the Anti-Defamation League in Greater Chicago and the Upper Midwest. He said the law protects workers against religion-based harassment, intimidation and repeated insult, especially where it harms the employee’s employment, position or compensation. Most large companies have complaint processes (usually through HR, an ombuds office or an ethics line). They will often take the complaint seriously, investigate the situation and take action to change the environment. Your daughter may also have legal claims against the company and may wish to talk to an employment lawyer. Organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League ( and Workplace Fairness ( may be able to offer further advice on how to proceed.
Dear Annie: This is in response to “Midwest,” who has a criminal record and can’t find a job. Your answer was helpful, but you left out the fastest-growing source of employment available to everyone: self-employment.
In today’s economy, it doesn’t take a bundle of money to go into business for yourself. There are thousands of companies looking to put people to work as freelance representatives, with a small investment, frequently less than $50. Please don’t get caught up in the idea that in order to make a living, you have to work for somebody else.
Florida Entrepreneur
Dear Florida: You make an excellent point, although setting up your own business is not as simple as you make it seem. But for those who are having difficulty finding other employment, it is definitely worth looking into.
Email your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
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