HELOISE: Easy way to ‘store’ digital photos

Dear Heloise: I am a daily reader of your column. I like the suggestions you made in preparation of taking photos, and I’d like to share my idea of “storing” digital photos. Storing them can be easy and simple.

Take, for example, the images being numbered in sequential order. I learned that adding brief notes between the image numbers and .jpg can be helpful in locating pictures in a hurry.

For example, IMG_5434.jpg can be renamed IMG_5434 Rachel and brother Sam.jpg, and IMG_5435.jpg can be renamed IMG_5435 David and Brandy.jpg

While browsing through the file, subjects and pictures can be located easily. Also, the steps should be taken when the pictures are downloaded onto the computer.

I also have a portable external hard drive where I download files I want to keep — a lesson learned when my computer crashed.

Don Sison, Irvine, Calif.

Don, I do something similar to make it easier to find a certain photo. I “code” them by ph (photo) name, event and date. Thanks for sharing.


Dear Readers: A local restaurant that we order from now and then wraps its hamburgers in paper first, then in foil. The foil is food-grade and can be reused. Some hints for reuse:

Wrap around a sandwich for lunch.

Wrap around a cup of soup to help keep it warm.

Wrap some dog treats in it to take when you are on the road.

Wrap carrots and celery for a bag lunch.


Dear Heloise: I had trouble with bra straps sliding off my shoulders, so I sewed about 6 inches of elastic to the back of the straps. It’s a little funny to slip a bra over your head, but it is very comfortable. You might have to lengthen the straps a little.

B.C. in Pennsylvania

B.C., an ingenious hint, but may I point out if the straps keep falling off, the bra may be past its life or the wrong size? Ladies, you deserve good support! If the bra is stretched out, the straps are hopeless or it just plain does not fit worth a darn, toss it!


Dear Heloise: I have a technique for cleaning lint out of my hair-dryer screen. Take an old blush brush and use it to clean out the little holes caked with lint.

Dee Dee, via e-mail


Dear Heloise: I would like people to stop using this planet as a wastebasket. I take a couple of plastic bags when I walk my dogs, one for them and one for litter. Everyone should have them in their vehicles so children can put their fast-food cups, candy wrappers, etc., into the bag. Toss the bag into the garbage can when you get home.

Marianne Schilling, Columbus, Ohio

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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