HELOISE: Sugar, flour can be stored in freezer

Dear Heloise: How long can I keep sugar and flour in a tightly closed container? Can I store them in a freezer?

L. Mills in Houston

Both sugar (granulated) and flour (all-purpose) can be stored in sealable plastic bags or airtight glass or plastic containers, and both can be frozen. However, before using, you will want to let them warm to room temperature. Interesting tidbit: Sugar has an indefinite shelf life. For best flavor, though, it is recommended that you use brown sugar within six months of opening. Flour should be used by the “better if used by” date for optimum results.


Dear Heloise: Would you please tell us how to make baking powder at home?

Richard M., via e-mail

If you run out of baking powder, a quick substitute is 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar. However, this does not store well, so don’t make too much at one time. Another hint: How to tell if baking powder is still active? Put a teaspoon of baking powder in 1 cup of warm water. If it bubbles, it is still good!


Dear Heloise: I think that the following hint was used by you many years ago, but it is well worth repeating. After use, put your steel wool in a plastic bag and store it in the freezer. It will not rust.

Eric B., via e-mail

Yes, this is a great hint that, thanks to your letter, we are happy to share again!


Dear Heloise: As usual, I found a great recipe in one of the many magazines in the doctor’s waiting room, but there was no way to copy it, and I won’t tear it out. Then I thought of using my phone to take a picture of the recipe. It took several photos, but I got it all and can enlarge each one enough to copy to my recipe book. Now, no more missed recipes!

Linda Baggett, Big Sandy, Texas

Linda, you never know where you will find a good recipe. So keeping this in mind will allow you to have a copy of the recipe no matter where you are.


Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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