HELOISE: Have patience for the patients

Dear Readers: A reader recently complained about rudeness at one of her doctor’s offices. Here are some insightful comments from my readers:

A reader, via e-mail, says: “I think that intelligent, committed, compassionate doctors outnumber the duds, but people are up in arms when they have bad experiences with incompetent or rude doctors, especially given how expensive medical care is. Two thoughts: If you have overall positive feelings about your doctors, then cut them some slack if you have to wait. If you have a standing appointment with a doctor who’s always late, call to ask whether you can come late. If you don’t have positive experiences with your doctor, then write him or her a cordial note explaining what the problems are, or find a new doctor.”

Patsy Binford, via e-mail, says: “Having been on both sides of this coin, as a patient advocate in a hospital and an office manager for doctors, I feel qualified to comment. It is simple: Tell those waiting if there is an emergency or the doctor is running behind. Most people, even when they do not feel well, understand this, and when their time comes, the doctor will spend the necessary time with them. Communication is the customer-service key that works wonders! However, there is never a reason for a ‘front office’ person to be rude and uncaring to patients. Patients have responsibilities as well. Being on time, with paperwork in order, is so helpful to the staff. They appreciate you if you do your part. Doctors and staff members are just like us — they like compliments, too! Give them one when it is deserved!”

Metta, via e-mail, says: “Many years ago, as I was waiting to be called into my doctor’s exam room, I thought about what I’d be doing if I were at home, in the middle of the afternoon. I’d be reading a book! Since then, I’ve always taken my current book along, and have never become impatient or irritated. Also, I never make more than one appointment per day, so when I’m dismissed, I just go home.”

More opinions? This space is yours, so please chime in. Doctors?


Dear Heloise: I have a small kitchen, so counter space is prime. My notepad was never in sight and always got moved around. I attached a blank page to the refrigerator door with a strong magnet at comfortable writing height. The top of the page folds down and is just stiff enough to hold a pencil horizontally. Now I have pencil and paper where I need it most!

Wilson Harris in Laredo, Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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