HELOISE: Services abound at the library

Dear Heloise: Libraries are great. I have found that my library has a website with a catalog search option — I can search for books online. My library sends an e-mail notice when the books I’ve chosen are ready for pickup.

It also has a system for renewing books online, and I use the reminder application on my computer. When I log in to check e-mail, the note is right there to remind me when the books are due.

Marissa, via e-mail

Marissa: Your public library is brimming with all kinds of services.

We checked with the San Antonio library, and here are some of the great services it provides:

You can download e-books, audiobooks, music and videos for free without leaving your home.

It has a bookmobile to bring library service to residents who, because of distance or disability, can’t visit a library.

It has a career center where r sum s can be checked and pointers for interviews can be offered, and there are even links to local job-search sites.

It has a Dial-A-Story-Line, where young children can be read a story in either English or Spanish.

It has approximately 150,000 government publications. And it has staff available for patent and trademark searching.

It has literacy programs and live homework help.

It has a program called Wowbrary. It is a list of the library’s newest titles in an easy-to-browse website. You can receive a weekly e-mail of the top 20 items (books, movies and music).

So, check with your library — you will be amazed at the services they may offer!


Dear Heloise: My local home-care medical-equipment store will take used tennis balls. It has a machine that cuts exactly the right kind of opening in each ball so that it fits exactly right over the foot of a walker. It then sells them for a nominal cost to those using walkers. A good recycling idea!

Edith Fisher, Hunter, Ark.

Dear Heloise: Concerning your response to the reader hint about carrying an empty water bottle through security at airports:

Please DO NOT advise people to dispose of any liquids in a trash container anywhere before going through security! (This includes ice.)

Think of us people who have to empty the receptacles, and when we do, the liquids spill out onto the floor and all over our shoes! Go to the restroom and dispose of it. Thanks to all!

B.H., Jefferson, Md.

A good point to consider. However, every trash container I have seen near the security checkpoint is lined with a plastic bag, and there are signs that clearly say to dispose of liquids in that container. In other cases, I agree with you. Thanks so much for writing and letting us know.


Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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