

Neither vulnerable. West deals.


xA K

uK Q J 9

vQ J 9 7 5

w6 3


xQ J 6 2 x10 8 7 5

u8 6 uA 7 4

v6 4 3 vA K 8 2

wA K 10 5 w9 8


x9 4 3

u10 5 3 2


wQ J 7 4 2

The bidding:


Pass 1NT Pass Pass

2x Dbl Rdbl Pass

Pass 3v Dbl 3u

Dbl Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Eight of u

What was tournament bridge like seven years ago? Bidding has taken some wild turns, but there has not been that much change in the play. Sitting North-South on this deal from the 2003 ACBL Fall North American Championships were U.S. internationalists Jo Morse and Kyle Larsen.

West had no problem balancing over one no trump with a flat hand. North doubled for takeout and a competitive auction ended with Larsen becoming declarer at the three-level doubled with his near Yarborough.

West led a trump, covered with the jack and East allowed it to hold. Larsen led a low diamond and East shot up with the ace to shift to the nine of clubs, covered by the jack and taken with the ace. West shifted to a spade, won in dummy, and the king of trumps lost to the ace.

East reverted to a club, taken by West who continued with a third club. Declarer ruffed high in dummy, drew the remaining trump with the nine and led the queen of diamonds. East could cover with the ace whenever he wanted to, but declarer would ruff, cross to dummy with a spade and run the good diamonds for a score of 530 and a top.

2010 Tribune Media Services