

East-West vulnerable. West deals.


xK Q J

uA Q 8 4

v6 4 2

wA K Q


x10 6 5 4 3 2 xA 9

uJ 10 9 5 2 uK 7 6 3

vA 7 vQ J 10 9 3

wVoid w10 5


x8 7


vK 8 5

wJ 9 8 7 6 4 3 2

The bidding:


Pass 2NT Pass 5w

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Jack of u

New Orleans is back! Some eight months ago the Saints won the Super Bowl. Three month ago the city hosted the ACBL Summer North American Championships, its first in seven years.

Brian Senior reported this deal from a pair event. Sitting South was British internationalist Sandra Penfold. She made a wise decision when, with a possibly entry-less hand, she chose to play in five clubs rather than three no trump.

West chose to lead the jack of hearts and declarer tried the queen in the hope of getting two quick discards. However, East produced the king, ruffed by declarer. On a trump lead West discarded a discouraging spade. Declarer won in dummy, cashed the ace of hearts for a spade discard and then led the eight of hearts. When West followed low, declarer discarded her remaining spade!

South ruffed the heart continuation, drew the outstanding trump and then took a ruffing spade finesse. Two diamonds were parked on the high spades and declarer lost only one trick in each red suit.

2010 Tribune Media Services