HELOISE: Keep safe on school buses

Dear Readers: With school under way, meaning busy mornings and afternoons, it’s important to know school bus safety hints. Thanks to our friends at the National Safety Council (www.nsc.org) for allowing us to print these.

When boarding the bus:

Stay in the designated area while waiting for the bus; don’t hang around in yards or alleyways. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door opens before you approach. Calmly enter the bus; teasing, talking and laughing with your friends can distract you. Use the handrail and carefully climb up into the bus.

When on the bus:

Find a seat and sit down right away. Loud talking, noise and confusion can distract the driver and can be stressful for all. Keep your hands, arms and head inside the bus at all times! Keep the aisles clear. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before you stand up.

When getting off the bus:

Use the handrail when getting off the bus so that you don’t trip or fall on the steps.

Walk at least 10 steps in front of the bus so that the driver can see you if you need to cross to the opposite side of the street. Traffic, by law, is required to stop in both directions to allow you to cross the street, but always carefully check for cars yourself. Never go behind the bus!

Make safety a top priority so that everyone enjoys school without worrying about school bus accidents.


Dear Heloise: I use a permanent marker to mark the corners and middle of my mattress pad. After washing, I can rotate the pad. The markings make it easier to situate the pad on the mattress, especially with a queen or king bed.

Lilith in Ventura, Calif.

Dear Heloise: Research your destination before leaving. Learn about the history of the area and special attractions, which will help you avoid pricey tourist traps.

Sharon in Texas

Dear Heloise: I have a solution for not getting bumps on the shoulder of shirts/blouses after hanging them on the clothesline. Just hang them using clothespins under the armpits. No worrying about how to remove the bumps! That’s a real timesaver for me.

Pat Anderson, Hagaman, N.Y.

King Features Syndicate