HELOISE: ‘Bed bag’ has items you need for travel

Dear Readers: As a road warrior of far too many years, I’ve come up with a few hints along the way. One of my favorites is my “bed bag.” It’s a clear, zippered cosmetics case that goes beside the bed when I travel. Here’s my checklist of must-haves:

A small jingle bell on a red ribbon to hang on the hotel door as my travel security alarm. Even with the door locked and latched, you can’t be too safe.

Two miniflashlights.

Two — yes, two — travel alarm clocks. Can’t miss an early-a.m. TV show.

Earplugs (several sets).

Sewing kit from the hotel. Always put it in your luggage.

From my mother: Men’s socks to use as an eye mask. Most eye masks have elastic banding that can be too tight or can leave marks on your face. She used just one sock, with the heel portion on the nose and the other parts covering the eyes. I stitched a pair of socks together; they drape over my eyes and block out the light.

Lavender essential oil, to use in the evening to relieve stress and help you relax for a good night’s sleep.


Dear Heloise: My husband had a total shoulder replacement. When it came time to shower, I placed a large sheet of plastic wrap that seals over the incision. The plastic wrap stuck to the skin and did not allow one drop of water under it. This is a far better solution to keeping body parts dry in the shower than plastic bags, etc.

Laura from Florida

Dear Heloise: I tied a big, fluffy string to my husband’s cell phone to hang around his neck while he was convalescing at home. When he needed me, he called our home phone. I could hear it better than any other type of bell.

A Reader in Abilene, Texas

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