HELOISE: Being ready for a possible small fire

Dear Readers: Kitchen grease, the microwave and candles are just a few of the ways a fire can start in your home! Have you checked your fire extinguisher recently? Most people take the fire extinguisher for granted or may not even know how to use it.

Experts recommend that you have several fire extinguishers in your house: one in the living areas of the home, one in the kitchen and one in the garage, if you have one.

The San Antonio Fire Department does not inspect fire extinguishers for private homes, but check with your fire department — it might. There are companies that do inspections; check online, in the phone book or get a recommendation from your fire department.

For apartment and condo dwellers, you should have at least one fire extinguisher in your unit, and any extinguishers should be inspected once per year at a minimum.

You can check your fire extinguishers yourself. Make sure the pin is in place (it has not been damaged) and the extinguisher is at the correct pressure. The needle should be in the green portion of the gauge, and the entire unit should be clean and not leaking. If your fire extinguisher is depressurized or broken, replace it. Don’t wait — do it today!

When to use a fire extinguisher? According to experts at Underwriters Laboratories (www.ul.com), several factors must be in play: Everyone is out of the home, the fire is in a small area, it is not spreading rapidly, 911 emergency has been called, you have a clear view of the fire, there is not a lot of smoke, and you are comfortable using the fire extinguisher. Why not do a quick inspection right now? It could save a life and prevent a devastating fire.


Dear Heloise: My husband and I were on vacation, and he left our camera in a taxi. He called the taxi service the next morning, but it had not found the camera. We were on our way out of the hotel when he got a call on his cell phone that the police had his camera. It had been turned in the night before by a good Samaritan. The police department had turned on the camera, gone through the pictures and found his name and phone number on some of the pictures — he had taken a picture of his business card. What a great idea for anyone! Thought this might be a good hint for travelers in your column.

S.G. in Springfield, N.J.

Dear Readers: A dinner-size paper plate will slide easily into a large zippered freezer bag. Store leftovers this way in the refrigerator. The plate supplies added support to the food for easy grab-and-go.


Dear Heloise: I always send my mother a Mother’s Day card on my birthday. I always felt that was her original Mother’s Day!

Nancy R. from Oxnard, Calif.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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