HELOISE: Chocolate cake mix: 3 ways, all yummy

Dear Heloise: What is the difference between devil’s-food cake and a regular chocolate cake mix? Then there is a German chocolate cake mix.

Karen P., via e-mail

Karen, it can get confusing. So, here’s a quick breakdown of the differences:

A regular chocolate cake mix is flavored with milk chocolate.

A devil’s-food cake is richer and darker, and has a strong cocoa flavor.

German chocolate (a favorite here in south Texas) usually is a lighter-colored cake with a flavor of mild chocolate.

True German chocolate cake has delicious pecan-coconut frosting, while the devil’s food usually has a dark fudge frosting. No matter the chocolate cake you choose, you have a delicious dessert, because who doesn’t like chocolate? Want to try a couple of favorite Heloise cake recipes? Just send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Cakes, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. When you fill a cake pan, fill it no more than half to three-quarters full to prevent making a mess.


Dear Heloise: When we buy ice cream for a party, we sometimes buy the kind in a big plastic container with a handle. Whenever we get one, we wash it out, and the next time we get the half-gallon in the cardboard paper container, we drop the new ice cream into the plastic container. We also use the containers for potluck meals, or whenever we bring a dish to a function, as the container has a handle that makes it easy to carry.

A Reader, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I got a new mixer and found that it was so heavy that I could barely move it from one place to the next on my countertop. I solved the problem by folding a small cotton tea towel in half and placing the mixer on it. Voila! It slid like a charm without any effort at all. A real plus for people with arthritis, etc.

Bette in Franklin, Wis.

Dear Heloise: This hint is especially helpful when you plan to go to several stores on the same trip. When I see an advertisement for an item in the Sunday paper from any of the major retailers that I want to check out, I cut the picture of the item out and attach it to my list, along with any coupons that I may have. That way, I know which store had it and for what price. It saves a lot of time for me, because my memory isn’t what it used to be!

Pat in Arizona

Dear Heloise: I use a large glass measuring cup and a fork to prepare my pancake mix. I pour pancake mix into the measuring cup, then slowly add the water while stirring to the desired consistency. Then I pour it directly onto the heated and buttered griddle.

Brenda in Katy, Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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