ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Cheer coach’s action cause ire

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar

Dear Annie: Last night, my daughter’s high school had tryouts for cheerleading. Many girls and their parents were shocked by the actions of the cheer coach, who advanced her own sophomore daughter and six of her daughter’s friends to the varsity level, thereby cutting experienced juniors and seniors. This screams of nepotism. The coach refused to show the score sheets to justify her decisions. These same girls got together with the coach over the summer to practice, and they were grouped together for the tryouts, which gave them a tremendous advantage.

I am livid and want this coach to be fired. Should we ask for tryouts to be held again?

Sad in Maryland

Dear Maryland: If the coach has total control over who makes the squad, there may not be much you can do. We suggest you and the other angry parents approach the principal and register your complaint as a group.

Dear Annie: My older sister was 10 years old when I was born. She resented me from the beginning, and I cannot remember her ever speaking a kind word. When she moved out of the house, all communication was through Mom. That is how she kept up with my life. I was never considered part of her family.

Now I have been informed by one of her daughters that she has a few months to live, and that I should hurry to her town if I want to see her before she dies. I am no youngster myself. I have no desire to see her, and besides, I’m getting too old to drive. My question is: Should I feel guilty?

Too Late To Care

Dear Too Late: It doesn’t sound as if you have much to feel guilty about. You are not obligated to make this trip. However, it might mean a great deal to your nieces that you made the effort to say goodbye.

Dear Annie: I read the letter from “The Girlfriend,” who resented her live-in boyfriend’s 14-year-old bratty daughter. She said the girl is a “guest” in her home. I thought that was sad. It is hard enough to be a 14-year-old girl, with the angst and hormones and everything that goes along with puberty. But this child has seen her parents divorce and her home torn apart, and every other weekend, she has to visit her father in this woman’s home where she is not wanted.

“The Girlfriend” has no compassion. She expects gratitude from the child, yet states she wants her boyfriend to entertain his daughter on his own for a day and then return her to the mother without letting her stay. I am sure the girl would like to have a home where she is welcomed. Most 14-year-olds haven’t learned all the social graces. That boyfriend ought to get his own place where his daughter can visit him in peace, and where he can be a father to a girl who is already hurting.

“The Girlfriend” needs a boyfriend without children. She doesn’t know how to be a mother.


E-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

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