HELOISE: Hints can help a grieving family

Dear Heloise: I just read a column in the Reading (Pa.) Eagle about helping a family after a death. I wanted to add something. There are many acts of kindness one can show the bereaved. After the death of our son, a neighbor, knowing we would not have time to get to our large lawn, hired someone to mow our grass. Another friend took my grocery list to the store and did the shopping.

Another cleaned out my flower beds. Still another came and helped my sister scrub our porch and put out all the porch furniture so the many friends and relatives who came could visit with us in the fresh spring air.

Jean M., Sinking Spring, Pa.

Jean, my sincere condolences on the loss of your son. You are very gracious to share these hints with my readers.


Dear Readers: Reuse the cup holders that you get from the drive-through. Many of them are plain brown cardboard. They can work as:

A small plant holder.

A pen and pencil holder and desk organizer.

A way to stow condiment packets in the refrigerator.

An organizer for small cosmetics, hair ribbons, etc., on the dresser.

A holder for plastic bags to reuse as trash-can liners.

A child’s catchall for small toys.


Dear Heloise: I don’t have a lost-cell-phone story, but I do have an anecdote about a cell phone. Cell-phone providers would call trying to sell me a cell phone. I would tell them that I spent 90 percent of my time at home. I didn’t need one because everyone I go out with has one.

My daughter took me to vote and left to run an errand. I finished voting in less than 10 minutes, but I didn’t have a cell phone to call her. So I had to wait until she returned. I had to laugh because my words — “I don’t need a cell phone” — came back to haunt me.

C.J. Moore in Valparaiso, Ind.

Dear Heloise: I am a cancer survivor and was at the doctor’s for my checkup. A “caregiver” brought in a patient. The caregiver was bathed in perfume. Please spread the word to refrain from wearing perfume at cancer centers. Many people are already nauseated while there. The perfume adds to the problem. I am sure those without cancer have never thought of this.

A Reader in Texas

Hopefully readers will take heed and not wear perfume when taking a family or friend to any health center.


Dear Heloise: How can we get towel companies to make smaller bath towels? Most of us do not need 50-plus-inch bath towels. Children do not need the large towels, either, and it takes too many washer loads to clean these towels.

D. Younger in Oregon

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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