HELOISE: Adopt a senior shelter animal

Dear Heloise: Thank you for the article recommending that people adopt senior shelter pets. My husband and I have five cats, seven dogs, a rabbit and a lovebird — all rescues. Most of them were adults when they came to live with us, and some were even seniors or special-needs animals. We did not pursue most of them; rather, they found us.

We spend a great deal of our time advocating for animals, volunteering at local shelters, helping them find the right homes, etc. If everyone were responsible with spaying/neutering and adopting rather than buying and breeding, this huge problem would not exist. With millions of cats and dogs being put down in shelters every year, it is so wonderful to have someone as well-known as you to advocate for these poor animals that have no voice.

Carole F. Edmonds, via e-mail

You have a happy houseful of “found” and rescued pets that would otherwise be euthanized or die a tragic death. A big Heloise hug to you and your husband!

Here is another hint about adopting older pets, from Mary of Virginia:

“Thank you for mentioning adopting older dogs. Please, though, don’t leave out cats. There are a lot of cats being brought to shelters because their owners lost their jobs or had to move to places that don’t allow pets.

“A cat is often a better pet for a lot of families. It is smaller and needs a lot less care and attention than does a dog. Also, if someone adopts two cats or kittens, the animals keep each other company and can be happy when left alone for long periods of time.”


P.S.: There are rescue groups for just about every type of animal you could possibly want — cats, dogs, rabbits and more are just waiting to be adopted. Check out the rescue groups, made up of volunteers who care deeply for these animals.

Dear Readers: Brian of San Antonio sent a photo of his Shiba Inu, Chloe, lying on some gaming gear. Brian says: “She is an avid cartoon and video-game enthusiast. When she’s not watching the commotion on TV, she’s often found sleeping or flipping out ‘like a ninja.’ She is an absolute doll, even when she isn’t listening to a thing we say. She’s quick to defend, and adopting her is one of the best things I’ve ever done.”

To see the gamer girl, visit www.Heloise.com. Brian is our computer guru who visits us in the office to tame the computer gremlins!


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