ANNIE’S MAILBOX: Husband reneged on rent situation

By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar

Dear Annie: My 20-year-old son from a previous marriage lives with my husband and me. “Jacob” is in his second year of college and maintains a B average. He has worked the same part-time job since he turned 16 and pays all of his own bills, including car insurance, cell phone and basic necessities. Student loans cover his tuition. He is a terrific kid, never disrespectful and is loved by everyone.

When my husband and I married six years ago, we agreed that as long as the kids were full-time students, they could live here without paying rent. My husband recently changed his mind and feels that Jacob should pay for his room and board or move out. He knows that in order to do this, Jacob would have to find a full-time job and might need to drop out of school.

I have talked to my husband until I am blue in the face. I raised my two children on my own and have often been complimented on the wonderful job I did. We are financially secure and don’t need the rent money. This situation is causing a major problem in my marriage.

Is there a possible compromise I haven’t thought of?


Dear Tug: Jacob sounds like a great kid. Can Jacob pay a nominal fee that would placate your husband and not break the bank? Would your husband be willing to cover room and board in a college dorm? Although we are in favor of adult children paying a reasonable amount of rent, your husband is wrong. The two of you had an agreement, and he is reneging.

Dear Annie: I send out handmade cards to friends and family for their birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It hurts my feelings when I take the time to make an individualized card and the person doesn’t mention anything to me about it. Is there etiquette for this type of thing?

Constant Card Sender

Dear Card Sender: The proper way to acknowledge a card is with a phone call or an e-mail. We believe the amount of time and effort you put into your cards makes the lack of acknowledgement particularly hurtful. Scale back.

Dear Annie: This is in response to “Out of Concern,” whose neighbor has body odor even though she bathes.

I am a nurse and had a co-worker with relentless body odor. She had gone to several physicians, but with no relief. She tried every type of deodorant and changed her clothing and soap, but nothing helped. She finally found an “old-time” doctor who told her that her problem was a zinc deficiency. He put her on a supplement. In a few short weeks, she lost her body odor.

People who have inadequate nourishment and poor diets often have lingering body odors, even with proper hygiene.

Hope this Helps

Dear Hope: Thanks. Before taking zinc supplements, please see your doctor.

E-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 700, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

Creators Syndicate

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