Mayor alters bar’s sign to send a message

BRADDOCK, Pa. (AP) — The mayor of a western Pennsylvania town says he’s so sick of problems at a nightclub in his town that he altered its sign to send a message to the bar’s owners.

Braddock Mayor John Fetterman was caught on surveillance footage changing the sign in front of Club 804. The sign had said “Opening Soon Under New Management,” but Fetterman changed it to “Closed Not Opening Soon.”

Fetterman on Thursday said he wanted the owners to know he wants the club shut down, calling it “beyond a nuisance bar.” Two people were wounded in a shooting outside the bar last month.

Braddock Council President Jesse Brown says no violent incidents have taken place inside the bar and he sees no reason to shut it down.

Braddock is about 10 miles east of Pittsburgh.

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