HELOISE: Left-out leftovers: Where’s the beef?

Dear Heloise: I read the hint (from a reader — Heloise) about carrying a plastic bag to use for leftovers into a restaurant instead of using the carryout containers. This made me laugh, as it brought back memories.

Years ago, my daughter (a new mom), her infant and I went out to eat. It was a buffet, and I had just gotten seconds when the baby started to fuss and my daughter insisted we leave. The sign at the buffet said, “Take all you want but please eat what you take.” I looked at my plate, seeing several slices of beef, and felt embarrassed to leave the food. I happened to have a small plastic bag in my purse, and I put the beef in my purse.

Several days later, I was at church, looking all around to see if I could find someone who had taken off his or her shoes, or someone with bad hygiene, or whatever could be that smell. I finally figured out that it was ME! I had forgotten the beef in my purse.

Embarrassed in Indiana

We got a laugh from your letter — thanks for writing! I guess the hint here is to be careful what leftovers you take home, and don’t forget them in your purse or auto!


Dear Heloise: Here is a hint for more even microwave-popcorn popping: In small or medium-size microwave ovens, the square corners of the oblong popcorn bag can get snagged on the oven’s sides and stop rotating. Simply turn up all four corners of the bag before placing it on the turntable, and the bag will spin freely to assure more even popping.

Doug R., Hollywood Beach, Calif.

Doug, all of the microwaves we checked are pretty good-sized, but there may be some small microwaves out there.


Dear Heloise: To keep brewed coffee fresh-tasting, I always put a pinch of salt in the coffee before brewing. It will never have a bitter taste. This was my mother’s recipe.

Hylda Wilson in Florida

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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