HELOISE: To pick up child at airport, know name

Dear Heloise: Regarding sending a child alone on a trip by commercial airline: Please be sure the adult on the receiving end knows the name the child will be using when traveling.

My brother called to ask me to pick up his son at the airport, as his ex-wife was suddenly unable to pick him up. When I arrived at the airport, the airline asked for the name of the child. I responded [these names are for example purposes only — Heloise], “Billy Green,” (using my brother’s last name). They had no child listed by that name. After thinking a moment, I said, “Billy Red” (using his mother’s maiden name). No child was listed by that name, either. Finally I tried “Billy Green-Red.” Bingo. What a relief.

Christine B. from Orange, Calif.

Christine, thank you for sharing this information. Also, when sending a child off, be sure NOT to leave the airport until the plane has taken off. You never know when a delay might happen.


Dear Heloise: Start saving those fake plastic credit cards and other type cards that come in the mail. They are ideal for scraping ice off car windows. Keep a couple in the glove compartment.

Cheryl, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: In my family, I’m known as being “cheap.” I like to think of myself as being “inventive.” My hint is: Since baby towelettes are inexpensive and durable, I have two containers. For one, I pour 1-2 cups of alcohol in the container and label the top. I use that for quick cleaning of the kitchen counter after I cut chicken or any meats, or any surface that you would use the name-brand wipes on. The other, I pour 1-2 cups of vinegar in the container (and label) to use in so many ways, wiping the glass stove, kitchen sink, appliances, etc. The uses are endless!

Sandy Herman, Houston

Dear Heloise: To help defray the cost of liquid/powdered coffee creamers, I do the following: I mix the powdered type with nonfat powdered milk in a 1-to-1 ratio (more powdered milk if the creamer is especially flavorful). I mix the liquid with fat-free half-and-half in the same ratio. The calorie count and fat grams also are reduced while retaining much of the flavor. I also buy the liquid type when it is on sale and freeze it. There is no loss of flavor. Doing this has helped stretch my money, and I always have some form of creamer available.

Barbara W. Delnero, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: On holidays, my husband and I spend the night before cooking for the big day. I tie plastic bags, the kind from the grocery store, on the handles of the cabinets to use for garbage. It’s great for easy cleanup and saves steps to the trash can.

Marilyn in Nebraska

Dear Heloise: I have a great hint for using decorative tins for baked goods/candy, etc. I use a coffee filter to line the bottom of the tin. Do not cut the filter. If it extends up the sides of the tin, that is fine. It gives a more professional look to have a paper liner rather than just seeing the bottom of the tin. Makes a better presentation.

Mary Lou in Pennsylvania

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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