HELOISE: Setting an alarm helps as reminder

Dear Heloise: Love your column! I have to agree that I would never risk putting my car keys in the fridge at work as a way to remember to take items home. (The reader is referring to a previous column. — Heloise) I used to use the alarm feature on my cell phone to remind me of things at quitting time. Now that I have a new phone, I utilize the calendar feature to put a more detailed reminder with an alarm. I set an “appointment” with the fridge at 5 p.m. This also is useful if I need to remember to pick up something on the way home.

Michelle in Texas

Dear Heloise: Muffin tins and their compartments are good for many alternate uses.

Freeze water in them to make giant ice cubes for a party.

Use as a cup holder to serve drinks.

Use to hold condiments and sauces at a buffet dinner.

Serve a sick person small portions of food.

Leslie in San Antonio

Dear Readers: We thought we would revisit some of our favorite Letters of Laughter from previous years. Ms. Snyder recalls the following:

“While making noodles one day, my 3-year-old granddaughter was watching me. As I broke the egg in the bowl, she asked, ‘What are you doing that for, Gramma?’ I told her and explained the procedure.

“After each step, she asked the same question until, in exasperation, I said, ‘Can’t you say anything besides “What are you doing that for?’”

“She was quiet for a while, and then she put her little face directly in front of me and said, ‘Do you know what you’re doing, Gramma?’ Supper was late that evening.”


Dear Readers: Remember that if you see one deer in the road, there usually are more. Slow down until you are sure all deer have crossed the road.


Dear Heloise: With my rag bag and plastic bag holder, I’ve found that if I put the rags and bags in one at a time, when you pull one out, you get just one.

Kathleen in Camp Hill, Pa.

Dear Heloise: I have a small kitchen, so counter space is prime. My notepad was never in sight and always got moved around. I attached a blank page to the refrigerator door with a strong magnet, at comfortable writing height. The top of the page folds down, and it is stiff enough to hold a pencil horizontally. Now I have pencil and paper where I need it most!

Wilson Harris, via e-mail

sound off

Dear Heloise: I had to replace a locking mechanism on a patio sliding door, and trying to find who makes the door is a mystery. After consulting with a glass shop, they, too, complain that manufacturers are famous for not IDing their products. Why is this? Thanks.

Parker, via e-mail

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