HELOISE: Chargers need space to label

Dear Heloise: We have so many chargers for so many electronic devices in our household. Some of the plug-ins are so big. Why don’t manufacturers include a space in which to write what the charger charges, or make the chargers white/beige so that we can write on them in black ink and actually be able to see what we’ve written?

L.R. in Indiana

Dear Heloise: The large rubber bands that come on broccoli stalks are great for opening tight jar lids, soda bottles, pill bottles and so on. Just place the band around whatever you’re trying to turn and then try again.

If you don’t have one, I’ve also found that rubber dishwashing gloves or the rubber underside of a mouse pad does the same trick. Either way, you can give yourself a spare hand that makes opening the tightest things much easier.

Sandra in Kansas

Dear Heloise: It would be nice to inform your readers that instead of a plant or flowers for a funeral, give the family a gift certificate to a flower shop.

They can go in after the funeral and pick out something nice — plus they save on the charge the flower shop adds to deliver the plants.

Denise in Ohio

This is a lovely gesture that months later can bring a little sunshine into a person’s life.


Dear Heloise: I am replying to the reader about leaving keys in her work refrigerator.

What works for me when I have perishables that need to be refrigerated is I jot it on a sticky note and stick it onto my timecard. When I punch out at night, it is a reminder.

Johnnie H., Houston

Dear Heloise: When I come home from church, I hang the outfit that I wore on the shower rod overnight. The next day, I put it in the dryer on the “freshen up” cycle for 20 minutes, and then hang it back in the closet. I feel that since I only had the outfit on for an hour, it is not dirty. After the next wearing, it goes in the wash.

C. Frasher in Vienna, W.Va.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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