St. Christine students perform ‘Seussical’


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Eighth-grader Spencer Olesh, as Horton, listens carefully because he thinks he hears someone saying "who." Olesh is a resident of Canfield.


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Stephen Listisen (left) doesn't want to listen to Kevin Holden, the Cat in the Hat, because he has just gotten him into trouble. St. Christine's Dr. Seuss production encompassed students from fourth through eighth grades.


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Preschoolers at St. Christine sit in anticipation for the school's production Seussical Junior to begin. The play was performed for the student body during school hours on the opening day.

Dr. Seuss, Horton and the Who were all in attendance for a production performed by St. Christine Parish School students.

The school held its annual spring production April 29 and 30 titled “Seussical Junior,” a junior version of the Broadway play “Seussical.” Fourth through eighth-graders performed for their peers and the community. More than 120 students participated as cast and crew members.

The play mingled the classic tales of Dr. Seuss together into one story that was told through speaking in verse. This is the eighth year the school has been hosting spring productions.

Play director Barb Singler said the students were excited about this year’s production. Choosing such a well-known figure was a crowd pleaser — especially since it was close to Dr. Seuss’ birthday. which was March 2.

“Everybody loved it, I think it was a real favorite,” Singler said.