

Both vulnerable. North deals.


x6 4 2

uA J 10 7

vA J 8

wA K J


x9 8 3 xK Q J 5

uK 5 4 3 uQ 2

vQ 6 4 3 vK 10 2

w8 3 w9 7 5 2


xA 10 7

u9 8 6

v9 7 5

wQ 10 6 4

The bidding:


1w Pass 1NT Pass

3NT Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Nine of x

Cover the East-West hands and decide: How do you play three no trump after the lead of the nine of spades?

The auction is simple enough. With 18 HCP, North intends rebidding two no trump if partner responds with one of a suit. When South bids one no trump, North shows his values with a jump to game.

Start by counting your tricks. You have six outside of hearts, so you need three heart tricks to get home. That can be handled with the help of two finesses so, since the opening lead marks East with at least two spade honors, there is little need for a hold-up play as East more than likely has a heart honor as well.

After you win the ace of spades, you run the nine of hearts. East wins, cashes three spade tricks and shifts to a club. You win with the ace, cash the king and overtake the jack with the queen to collect your ten of clubs. Now you repeat the heart finesse, but when it holds and you cash the ace, the king does not drop — down one. Tough luck!

Not really! You handled the hearts badly. When you lead the nine of hearts from hand you must overtake with the ten. Later when you lead the eight of hearts for a second finesse, if the king does not appear you play the table’s seven and you are still in hand to repeat the finesse. Three no trump bid and made.

2010 Tribune Media Services

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