HELOISE: Pets should be restrained in vehicle

Dear Heloise: I read your column regularly and especially enjoy Saturdays, when you dedicate the column to pet issues.

I would like to add to comments about restraining dogs while driving. I was rear-ended while driving to work a few years ago, and the only thing I could think of after it was all over was: What if my dog (70-pound Lab mix) had been with me? To put it simply, she either would have gone through the windshield or hit the dashboard hard. Although I was on the freeway, the person who hit me was not fully up to freeway speeds; either way, the injuries to Hannah most likely would have been life-threatening. Before Hannah was allowed to ride in the truck with me again, I went and found what I call her “seat belt.” She can continue to sit in the front passenger seat with me, but the harness she now wears has the vehicle’s seat belt running through it, keeping her on the seat.

It works great (had to slam on the brakes once when someone cut me off) at keeping her on the seat and not flying around the vehicle’s cabin! Thankfully, I have never had to “test it [the harness] out” in a significant way, but at least I know I have done my best to protect her while riding in the car, as a crate for a dog her size is not feasible in my newer car. For your readers who are unfamiliar with these harnesses, they are available in most pet-supply stores.

Jean M. Barrett, via e-mail

Dear Readers: Dan Thomas of Van Wert, Ohio, sent in a photo of his 10-year-old light-blond Lab-shepherd mix, Bailey, sound asleep on the couch. He looks adorable with his head on a pillow, and Dan says it’s another hard day at work for him! To see the sleeping beauty, visit www.Heloise.com.


Good morning, Heloise: I’ve just read your weekly pet column in the Kerrville (Texas) Daily Times, which reminded me that from time to time, you’ve posted unusual pet names.

My two littermate cats are Rosemary and Thyme, adopted from a groomer’s offering. They are 11 “people” years old, both calico; Rosie is long-haired and Thyme short-haired. For sisters, they tolerate each other, but each tries to be the alpha one — and they seem to alternate in that endeavor. I’m widowed, so these two girls are a great comfort to me as they vie for my lap and attention.

Phyllis Mullins, Kerrville, Texas

Dear Heloise: I took my Chihuahua to get her annual shots. When we got home, she was having a reaction. It was late in the day, so I took her to a closer vet. She was given two injections.

I have learned to always get my pet’s shots earlier in the morning and not wait until around closing time. My vet also said to spread smaller dogs’ shots out and not give them all at the same time.

Annette Cruse, Huntsville, Ala.

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