

A wrong photo was used in a Page A4 story Thursday headlined “Delmont, key figure in scandal, dies at 54.” Instead of Tony Delmont Sr., pictured was his son, Anthony Jr. At right is the correct photo.

A chart on A16 on Thursday’s business page had incorrect yields for certificates of deposit at Farmers National Bank. The annual percentage yields should have been: 91 day, 0.25; six month, 0.5; 12 month, 0.85; 18 month, 1.15; 36 month, 1.75; and 60 month, 2.5.

Verifiable errors, omissions and clarifications are handled here. If you believe the information in an article was incorrect, call the appropriate department heads at (330) 747-1471; Regional Desk, ext. 1384; Social and Entertainment, ext. 1282; Sports, ext. 1292.