Answers to weekly quiz

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xK 8 2 u9 6 4 v8 4 wJ 9 5 4 2

The bidding has proceeded:




What action do you take?

A. Partner’s two-spade rebid announces a sound opening bid and a six-card spade suit. Your honor-third in his suit and doubleton diamond should be worth two tricks to him. Compete with three spades.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xQ 6 uA 8 7 vA 5 2 wA 7 6 3 2

The bidding has proceeded:




What do you bid now?

A. We would make the practical bid of six spades. If you are of a more scientific bent you could start with a cue-bid of four clubs, but that rates to be a waste of time. Do you really think you can find out enough information to get to a good grand slam?

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South you hold:

xJ 6 uA Q 8 5 4 2 vQ 7 w8 4 2

The bidding has proceeded:




What action do you take?

A. Bid three diamonds.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA Q 10 6 3 2 uA Q 9 vA K w7 3

The bidding has proceeded:




What do you bid now?

A. You have to jump to three spades even though that probably rules out a contract of three no trump. Indeed, a jump to three no trump is a good second choice.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA Q 3 uA K 10 6 vJ 7wA Q 10 8

The bidding has proceeded:




What do you bid now?

A. Start with a rebid of two hearts and then raise spades at your next turn. If you do not, you have a problem. Since it is likely that partner has a five-card suit for his spade response over a one-club opening, jump to four spades, and hope you are right.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA Q J 9 8 3 u7 3vVoid wQ J 10 6 5

In first seat, what is your opening bid?

A. Don’t even think of opening with a weak two-bid on this distributional powerhouse! Since to pass first could prevent you from describing your holding, we favor an opening bid of one spade.

SCrt 2010 Tribune Media Services

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