HELOISE: Why should we wash new sheets?

Dear Heloise: Why do new sheets say to “wash before using”? I recently purchased new sheets and did not see this until they had been used. Does not washing them prior to use cause the sheets to pill or get balls on them or wear out faster?

I enjoy your column in the Bluefield (W.Va.) Daily Telegraph.

Carolyn, via e-mail

Carolyn, bedsheets may be treated with chemicals (sometimes called sizing) in the manufacturing process to help the fabric look smooth, pressed, crisp and generally more appealing to the eye.

The chemicals are not to blame for the sheets pilling and do not affect the life span of the sheet. Pilling is more a result of lower-quality sheets with short threads, or of high abrasion during washing and drying.

Most manufacturers do recommend washing the sheets before use to remove the sizing. A second and third wash and rinse can’t hurt.

It’s a good idea to wash sheets and clothing before use anyway, so you will know how they stand up to laundering.


P.S.: Buy the best-quality linens you can afford, launder them properly, and they will last a long, long time!

Dear Heloise: Love your column each day, and thought I would send a hint that perhaps will help others.

On the containers you use a lot that measure liquids — like the one for iced-tea makers or measuring cups for bleach or washing-machine detergent — I take a black permanent marker and draw a line on the correct level. This way, when filling it up with liquid, it makes it a lot easier to see.

Kathryn G. from Mississippi

Dear Heloise: The orange mesh bags that onions come in make fabulous scrubbers for all pans, but in particular for use on nonstick pans for which metallic pads may not be used.

Anne, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: I always save candle stubs and dripped wax to melt down and make more candles.

Candle stubs also are good to lubricate sticky drawers. Just rub the stubs of candles along the rails where the drawers slide. Scented candles can still give out their scent if placed in candle warmers, even though they can no longer be lit. I used to worry that I might forget and leave the house with candles burning. Then I had an idea. I now hang a very large kitchen spoon on the doorknob of the front door. It’s impossible to walk through the door without hearing the clanging of the spoon, and it’s a good reminder to snuff out the candles.

Lee Steup, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: After my larger microwave died, I hated to throw away the glass plate. So now I use it as a Lazy Susan. Don’t forget to also keep the little turnstile that it sits on. You can use it on the counter, table or in the refrigerator.

D.Y. in California

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