

Both vulnerable. South deals.


xA Q 9 6


v10 5 2

wQ 10 6 5 4


x5 4 2 xJ 10 8 7

uA 9 8 7 3 uQ 10 5

vQ 8 6 3 v9 7 4

w9 wA 7 3


xK 3

uK J 6 2

vA K J

wK J 8 2

The bidding:


1w Pass 1x Pass

2NTPass 3w Pass

3NT Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Seven of u

Study the bidding and play of this deal, then decide: Was the result normal, or was someone guilty of a miscue?

East’s queen of hearts was allowed to win the first trick. Declarer covered the continuation of the ten with the jack, losing to the ace, and won the heart continuation. When he forced out the ace of clubs, East had no heart to return, and declarer romped home with 10 tricks.

There is more than enough blame to go around. West should have allowed the declarer to win the second heart trick. Now when East wins the ace of clubs, West can collect all his heart tricks for down one.

However, West was only restoring equity. Declarer should have played low on the second heart and now the defenders can collect only three heart tricks and the ace of clubs.

There are even some who might give North a charge for not correcting to five clubs, but that is only result merchants at work. In short, the only player to emerge unscathed is East — and only because he didn’t revoke!

2010 Tribune Media Services

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