HELOISE: Recipe battles battery corrosion

Dear Heloise: Several years ago, you printed a recipe that removed battery corrosion. Could you reprint that?

Holly, Hagerstown, Md.

Holly, I’m happy to print this money-saving hint! For flashlight and other small electronic devices, first remove the batteries, then use a paper towel to gently wipe away light corrosion. Use 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a little water — just enough to form a paste. Apply the paste to the battery terminals, and the corrosion should foam up and go away.

Wipe all the areas with a clean, damp cloth, and dry everything well. Remember that moisture causes faster corrosion. To prevent corrosion from forming on seldom-used items, remove the batteries and store separately in a self-sealing bag. An empty shoebox with about 1/2 inch of baking soda in it will help absorb odors when placed in the bottom of your closet.


Dear Heloise: Here are a few more ideas for those plastic newspaper sleeves:

Put some in the car to use as makeshift plastic gloves in an emergency.

Use as trash bags in a pinch.

Store a wet umbrella in one.

Lydia in Virginia

Dear Heloise: Regarding those products that come encased in hard plastic: It is super dangerous to try to cut through the plastic! I have discovered the perfect solution for opening them: I use my seam ripper. It cuts through very easily, and there is no danger of cutting yourself.

Sally in Fort Wayne, Ind.

Dear Heloise: I read about pre-purchasing college items. Mount Union College (soon to be University), which is close to me, had a slightly different idea. It held a “garage sale” of items no longer needed by outgoing students (mostly seniors, I imagine) that incoming (or continuing) students could buy to furnish their rooms. Anything left over was donated to various charities.

Tim W. Elder, Louisville, Ohio

Dear Heloise: Since many places of business include their address and phone number on cash-register receipts, I keep those that I may need to contact or revisit in the future. This system works for supermarkets, restaurants, stores and pharmacies in my hometown, as well as cities that I have visited while on vacation and plan to return to.

Kate, Dallas

Dear Heloise: My Sound Off is about people in cars swinging out into the right lane to make a left turn. It’s dangerous!

Renee in Ventura, Calif.

Yes, it is! We checked in Heloise Central, and turn signals not being used is the No. 1 complaint.


Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com.

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