Replica ship marks anniversary of maiden voyage

Associated Press


The U.S. Brig Niagara, a reconstructed 19th- century ship recovered from Lake Erie in 1913, marks the 20th anniversary of its first trip serving as a replica of the vessel that played a major role in the War of 1812.

That first voyage two decades ago wasn’t long — just a seven-hour sea trial on the lake. But since then, the Niagara has sailed throughout the Great Lakes and to ports along the East Coast.

“I don’t think 20 years ago, that anybody thought the ship would be sailing as extensively as it is,” said Senior Capt. Walter Rybka.

The present Niagara is the third reconstruction of the ship that was left to rot in the Erie harbor after the War of 1812. Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry sailed the ship to victory against the British during the Battle of Lake Erie.

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