Babies bond with books at library


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Austintown's Chrisy Davis (left) played with daughter, Gabriella, at the library July 8. They participated in Baby Brilliant story time.


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Jessica Conrad, of Austintown, found time to read to her son, Michael, after the library's Baby Brilliant story time. The program is for babies who are 6 to 23 months old.


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Austintown's Michael Conrad (front left), Camden Cox and Emma Wilson had fun while their mothers Jessica Conrad (back left), Lindsy Cox and Teri Wilson lifted them in the air during story time. The next Baby Brilliant story time is Aug. 12.


Neighbors | Shaiyla Hakeem .Rachel Cairns, of Austintown, read to her son, Benjamin, at the library July 8. They attended the Baby Brilliant program that focused on discovering books.

It’s never too early to learn to read.

Austintown Library hosted Baby Brilliant’s Bonding with Babies and Books July 8 for babies 6 to 23 months old. Parents sang and played with their children to songs that are intended to help them develop early reading skills.

For those who are too busy to attend the library’s Baby Brilliant programs, to-go kits are also available for checkout. The kits are age specific, infant to 2 years old and 2 to 5.

The specialize in animals, colors, rhyming, sounds, seasons, holidays and more. Librarians will help with picking a kit that is appropriate for each child and their personal development.

The next Bonding with Babies and Books story time is scheduled for Aug. 12 at 10 a.m. For information on the program and Baby Brilliant kits, visit