It helps to be ready with items needed for hospital stay

Dear Heloise: I was sent to the emergency room on short notice and was in the hospital for two weeks. My husband had a hard time getting items I needed together. Now I put everything in one place so he can find them.

Here are a few items I needed when staying in the hospital: toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, hand lotion, facial tissue, nightgowns, housecoats, mouthwash, pen and note pad, and phone numbers I might need. Thought this would help others. Jo Prince, Troy, Texas

Jo, how right you are. If you or someone in your family has to make a dash to the emergency room or hospital, it’s wise to have a “to go” bag ready. Heloise

P.S.: Most emergency rooms and hospitals have a “vanity” pack that includes toothpaste and toothbrush, mouthwash, comb, razor, etc.

Fast Facts

Dear Heloise: I am finding great uses for the inner wrapper of cereal boxes:

•After using brown sugar, close tightly and put into a cereal wrapper. Close that tightly, and the sugar will stay soft and fresh.

•Wrap fresh, dry mushrooms in a paper towel and put into a cereal wrapper. Close tight, then refrigerate. Evelyn, Rockville, Md.

Dear Heloise: I have many costume-jewelry sets to coordinate with my working wardrobe. Finding the right pieces while hurrying to get dressed became frustrating. I solved the problem by purchasing six fishing-lure boxes and cutting the lids off — these are flat, divided, clear-plastic boxes, at a cost of $3 or $4 each.

The dividers are removable, so I could size the compartment to be able to hold the necklace, earrings, ring, etc. The trays are stackable. To view the bottom layer, lift out one tray and slide the others over. Jewelry selection is now quicker and easier than ever. Terrie Newman, Huntsville, Texas

Dear Heloise: We are trying to save energy. I bought solar lights for our yard. One day they quit working. I never knew you could purchase rechargeable batteries from home-improvement stores. Now all the lights are lit. Please pass this on. Erin B., Ventura, Calif.

Dear Heloise: I want to share a way to prevent hair from going down the drain. Cut a piece of net 2 by 6 inches and place it over the drain. It can be thrown out and changed every week. This is a neat little way to keep the drain from getting clogged. Carol Niedzialek, via e-mail

Carol, my mother, the original Heloise, printed this hint 40 years ago, and it’s still valid today. Nylon net to the rescue! Heloise

Sound Off

Dear Heloise: Speaking on Sound Offs: On the top of the rude or ignorant list in restaurants is when people blow their noses while everyone else around them is eating! That is just being a pig, plain and simple, and it is gross! Jim, Adamstown, Pa.

Dear Heloise: The inner bowl from an old slow cooker makes a perfect dog dish for bigger dogs. It’s heavy enough that they can’t pick it up and carry it around. It won’t tip over and is easily cleaned. Karen from Indiana

SBlt Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to

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